Thursday, January 23, 2014

Geometric Nails

Hi there!
Although I am not the best at doing my nails, I thought I would give nail art a shot when I saw some nail designs that were done with Scotch tape! It seemed like it would be fairly simple, but would definitely be easier with longer nails than mine (way too short, I know...ha!) Here was my experience which you can use as a tutorial for yourself!

You need:
-two or more nail polishes
-clear nail polish
-a clear surface
-nail supplies, like polish remover and files

I used "Chinchilly" and "Who is the Boss" that are both by Essie and a clear top coat polish by L'Oreal.

  • Paint your nails which ever of your colors you want to be the base color. This color will be the one that shows through the other, so it will not be the one that covers majority of your nail.

  • While your nails dry for about 3-4 minutes, take the scissors and cut desired thicknesses and a certain amount of strips from the tape. These will essentially create the design on your nail.

  • Take the strips you want and lay them in whatever position. Here I cut two pieces of tape and laid them parallel to each other to have a striped nail! 
  • Push the tape down lightly so that the polish will not seep into unwanted areas.
  • Paint two coat of another polish over the tape like this:

  • When it is half way dried, (still a little damp,) peel the strips off and... viola! You now have  simple but oh so cool nail designs! 

  • Wipe on some top coat polish to close the seams and wait to dry completely! I only did designs on three fingers, keeping the art spontaneous and casual, but you can definitely do it on all!

The great thing about this Scotch tape idea is that you can do this with any shapes, whether zigzags, half moons, waves, starbursts, and much more! 

P.S. The next time I do this, I plan to use arts and crafts scissors (like these) that cut patterns like waves and zigzags to make the process of making shapes easier! 

xo, Paulina 

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