Saturday, March 1, 2014

Liebster Award!

Hi there! 
Big news! I was nominated for a Liebster Award!! These blogger awards are given to blogs who have 200 or less followers to increase their networking. Many thanks to Melissa at as she nominated me! 

To start here are 11 random facts about myself!
As for the 11 questions asked by my nominator, here they are: 

1. What colors make you feel cozy?
Hmmm..A color that makes me feel cozy would probably be grey, which I wear a ton of!
2. What made you start blogging?
I believe I started blogging after I discovered that their are a few very young fashion bloggers out there and I was wondering if I could do the same and if my blog would be successful. I also am a fashion, shopping, photography, creative freak and so a blog allows me to share my passion with others and combine them all with one big project.
3. Do you smoke?
I don't smoke and don't plan on doing it.
4. Care to share one of your values with us?
One of my values would have to be that it is important to be thankful! Once we don't have something, we realize that we may have taken that thing for granted.
5. Tea or coffee?
I don't like either!
6. What is your opinion on yoga?
I like yoga! I used to do it when I was little, and want to take it as gym at school. I think it is relaxing exercise!
7. Eyeliner, mascara, or foundation?
Mascara for the win! I don't use foundation or eyeliner on a daily or even special occasion basis. I really don't know why other than I see high-schoolers misuse the two and am afraid it'll happen to me. I also love long lashes so mascara is definitely my favorite!
8. Where was your last travel destination?
My last travel destination was Newport, Rhode Island for a mini trip and Miami, Florida for the holidays.
9. How many times do you blog a week?
I blog 2-3 times a week. I would love to blog more, but as a teen I'm super busy with school and outside activities, that it is even hard for me to balance the 2-3 quality blog time a week.
10. Care to share 3 of your favorite pieces from your closet with us?
Three favorite items from my closet would have to be my Marc Jacobs Crossbody bag, which I wear almost everywhere because it is so versatile, my hot pink JCrew blouse, which I've had for about 5 years, and  my cardigans which range from long to cropped to chunky to lightweight! My closet consists of basics and economically friendly pieces because I'm a huge saver and believe in buying things that look high end but are not!
11. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In five years I see myself as a senior in college, hopefully with fashion internships (or jobs?!) in New York City or L.A.

And now to my nominations!! It was incredible hard to find blogs I followed under 200...crazy I picked blogs that had under 600 followers instead! I nominate......

Wooooofff that took me a while! Anyways here are the questions I would like you guys to answer:

1. What is your favorite travel destination?
2. How old were you when you found your passion, if you have already?
3. What is your favorite color to wear?
4. What is something that nobody knows about you?
5. What is your most prized possession?
6. How to you balance your blogging life?
7. What do you enjoy doing on the weekends?
8. Describe a family tradition if you have one.
9. What is your all-time favorite beauty product?
10. What would you tell your high school self now?
11. What does blogging mean to you?

Have fun with this!!

xo, Paulina


  1. what a lovely blog :D i did this award to if you would like to check out my blog at

    have a nice day

    1. Just saw it! great blog, followed! and thank you!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
